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The Humans
Matt Haig
Great Expectations (Oxford World's Classics)
Kate Flint, Charles Dickens, Margaret Cardwell
Xenocide - Orson Scott Card Could not finish it. Very philosophical, less action than in previous books.
Monsters of Men: Chaos Walking: Book Three - Patrick Ness Ambigous ending leaving much to the imagination, but I would prefer it to be more definitive. There is part 3.5, but not on kindle...
The Ask and the Answer - Patrick Ness I liked it less than the first book in series. The A(nswer) and the A(sk) associative names just seem really really primitive. Didn't like the end, I think it was too long, could be written much shorter. Also you kind of grow tired of constant bad luck of the main characters.
The Knife of Never Letting Go - Patrick Ness Great book, though characters def have really bad luck. Read in 6 hours...
Speaker for the Dead - Orson Scott Card Not as good as a 1rst book.
Ender's Game - Orson Scott Card The best in long time.
The Atlantis Gene - A.G. Riddle Fascinating, captivating, worth reading.
Quiet. The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking - Susan  Cain I really, really tried to read the book from start to an end, reading all lengthy non-important descriptions of people, events etc. I failed, honestly. I read about a half and after that things really get boring. New information for me - 10%, author's stream of consciousness - 80%, something to glue it together - 10%. Not recommended.
On the Beach - Nevil Shute Really recommend to read it! Interesting plot, deep characters, captures your attention and doesn't let go. BTW, while I was reading, I thought up to the end, that the finale would be totally different. But what can I say, this is the world of the author. The book is beautful.
Entwined with You - Sylvia Day OK, now I just have to admit. Amazon suggested me this book when I searched for Fifty shades. Oh my curiosity.
Shouldn't have done that.
Really huge mistake to start reading this books (Crossfire series).
Why? Because it is boring, dull, and definitely should be sued as a copy of Fifty Shades without mentioning it on the cover. Really, it is just the same, with some little differences.
Don't do it!
Bared to You - Sylvia Day OK, now I just have to admit. Amazon suggested me this book when I searched for Fifty shades. Oh my curiosity.
Shouldn't have done that.
Really huge mistake to start reading this books (Crossfire series).
Why? Because it is boring, dull, and definitely should be sued as a copy of Fifty Shades without mentioning it on the cover. Really, it is just the same, with some little differences.
Don't do it!
Reflected in You - Sylvia Day OK, now I just have to admit. Amazon suggested me this book when I searched for Fifty shades. Oh my curiosity.
Shouldn't have done that.
Really huge mistake to start reading this books (Crossfire series).
Why? Because it is boring, dull, and definitely should be sued as a copy of Fifty Shades without mentioning it on the cover. Really, it is just the same, with some little differences.
Don't do it!
Fifty Shades Trilogy - E.L. James Jeez... I just had to read it to know what all the fuss was about. Now that I've had, I need to say it's just the kind of literature you read when you can't concentrate properly to read a normal book :) or when you're just curious as I was.

Le Matrimoine

Le Matrimoine - Hervé Bazin Couldn't stop reading.

Nightmare in red

Nightmare in red - Horst Gerlach Young German teenager becomes a prisoner in Russian concentration camp. He survives 2 years there and then he returns home. His father diasppeared in the same camp, no one knows what happened to him. The author tells his story of life and death with simple language and a lot of pain. Rated 4 since I found it hard to keep my attention on the book, though I was eager to read it.

Wool Omnibus (Wool, #1-5)

Wool Omnibus (Wool, #1-5) - Hugh Howey I can't even start describing how good it is. Just check it out yourself. And it already has sequel novels, called Shift Omnibus, consisting of 3 parts. Going to read 'em right away!!! :)